
Tuesday 27 October 2020

Maths starter prototec Beata

 On Wed 28th October 2020 TWP 5 my class and I did Prototec for a math starter. A math starter is when you start doing maths but you need the spirit you go on a math starter so your brain knows what it will do. A math starter is easy not to hard mostly.

QUESTION: whats your highest score on maths? 


Monday 26 October 2020

math starter Mathletics Beata

 On Tuesday 27th October 2020 TWP 5 my class and I in the morning did some math starters! The math starter we did was Mathletics . Mathletics is a math game where you answer questions. here's the Link:

 Question: What do you go on on for a math starter?

Monday 19 October 2020

Beata table torture math starter

Today Tuesday 20th of October my class TWP 5 and I have done for a math starter called "Table torture"  which is Times table. We did it to refresh our brain to be ready for maths.

My goal for today is to get in the math feeling and to work on my fractions and decimals.

Question: What is your favourite type of maths?

here's the link if you want to try out tables torture! click here

Wednesday 14 October 2020

shake out Beata

 Today our topic is about Shake out/ Earthquake!

On Thursday 15 October 2020 me and my class TWP 5  have been learning about a shake out drill and did one this morning at 9:30 encase we have a real earthquake. Another emergency is like a flood . A flood can came if there is lots and lost and lots of rain.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

maths Beata Percentages


On Wednesday 13 of October 2020 My class TWP 5  wrote down the answers to our math work/percentages at ST Pius X School!

A percentage means per 100! 

Did you know that Percentages includes fractions and more!

I have seen lots of percentages around shop like 50% off some foods of 75% Gluten free and much more!

 How To Work Out Percentages?  if you want to find out what 1/2 is in Percentages ,then you will times 1 to make a hundred and do the same to the top. Once you've got your answer get the top answer which would be 50 and put the percentage sign next to the 50 like this 50%. And there you have it.